A fun afternoon of playing in the rain and

hanging with our great neighbors!

while Luke photographs his remaining face paint (compliments of mom) of a leopard (forehead), crown (cheek), race car (chin) and spider (other cheek).

Look at those lips!

We collected sticks (being careful not to accidentally pick up worms that covered the sidewalks) to attempt a "home school project" of sorts. Let me not be too prideful to mention I thought this was very creative of me! So much for pride, my outdoor classroom ended up with only one student...me! Oh, well. I rationed the sticks so I could write the whole alphabet but I came up a "Y" & "Z" short AND left out the "Q" (which I didn't notice until my sweet neighbor pointed it out to me). Here's proof that I would be less than ideal at home schooling!

I barely have words for this picture!!
How you like that swag?! Not only is there "no shame in his game" but it is 60 degrees and raining outside!

I turned around and this is what I saw...he has a play drill he's using to "fix" the chair with...NAKED!

Doesn't this make sense?! Luke is in long pants with a winter jacket and boots and Jake is well, comfortably uninhibited shall we say??!!! Help ME!
Thankfully he decided to get dressed after my coaxing and 20 minutes of coldness. However, this only led to yet another sub par decision by my adorable 2 yr old.

Yes, he'd get dressed but on his terms which included short sleeves, no socks or shoes, no jacket, etc. and eating an apple in pouring rain. He nonchalantly sauntered down the sidewalk (note in picture: Luke, Lauren and the pouring rain!) then turned around paralyzed with a look like "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?"

Don't fret (or call child services quite yet) I regained my "Mother of the Year" award by thawing them out in our mustard-colored, geriatric-equipped shower...

followed by Tinkerclartrumpbone practice

Such sweet music...a day with my two adorable toddlers! XO
1 comment:
That is too precious! I love it! Jules
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