Sunday, December 27, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Luke was obsessed about these things so what does a loving suckered mother do during the holidays? That's right go online and buy a dang pair and then tell the little darling that perhaps Santa will bring them (if he is on his best behavior that is!!)
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Fun Never Stops...and nor do we!!
We had a great time despite Jake's pensive or rather indignant look!!
During our visit we came across a peacock roaming freely. As it slowly approached us Luke anxiously asked, "Do peacocks eat people?" This was followed by the peacock sauntering by and Jake saying, "Bye pigeon!"
...up next more Christmas stuff...
...up next more Christmas stuff...
Jakey showing incredible skill and restraint as a very focused helper. He unwrapped about 20 yummy Hershey Kisses and only ate ONE!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Self Portraits AND the holiday spirit!!!!
I bought Luke a kid's digital camera for his birthday because he always borrows mine (it starts so young doesn't it!!). Well, his is still "not mommy's" so I let him use mine on occasion.
These are the type of pics I was surprised to discover (just a few minutes ago actually) after Luke had my camera for oh, 10 minutes (or less!). And this is just a small sample....!
These are the type of pics I was surprised to discover (just a few minutes ago actually) after Luke had my camera for oh, 10 minutes (or less!). And this is just a small sample....!
It is interesting to see what he takes pictures of; it's like a window into his little narcissist soul.
If you can't brag about your own kids who can you brag here it goes.
Instead of sending a wish list to Santa, Luke drew a picture so Santa would have something to open Christmas Day too!
Weeeelllll, while watching t.v. later I came to find out the source was actually a Walmart commercial!! Funny, but scary how quickly these little ones are sucked into mass marketing campaigns!
Good news is Luke said he wanted to save too. Okay?! I asked him what he would be saving for and he said (the obvious) to buy some toy. But this was followed by him saying, "And give some to my church."
And the angels sung (in my head)!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Never A Dull Moment!
My girlfriend gave me this idea to dress the boys as super heroes with aluminum foil.
They loved it!!
They loved it!!
But when I called his name to get a picture he immediately whipped off the disguise!
Heck, why play the game as intended when you can be so much more creative!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Boys Will Be Boys...
Received a phone call this afternoon from a dear friend in Wi today. I couldn't believe it, the last 10 minutes or so of our conversation was miraculously uninterrupted. However, I heard wild giggles and laughter coming from Jake's room which only meant one thing...TROUBLE!
THIS is what I walked into!
And if you were wondering, YES, Jake had clothes on when I got on the phone. I guess he must've felt restricted in the chaos!
They PROUDLY cleared out every single article of clothing and bedding from the dresser AS WELL AS an entire box of wipes strewn throughout the room...some even landed on top of a picture on the wall! So I did get about 10 minutes of uninterrupted, adult phone conversation but I had to pay for it by spending about 20 minutes motivating/disciplining/coercing my little men to clean up their mess AND put some clothes on.
THIS is what I walked into!
And if you were wondering, YES, Jake had clothes on when I got on the phone. I guess he must've felt restricted in the chaos!
And only two days earlier this happened....
I was in Luke's room (right next to Jake's) painting and trying to motor through. After a few minutes of hysterical laughter and lots of loud thumps I decided I'd better check things out. Here it is... I did get a good portion of Luke's room painted while they "entertained" themselves and managed not to break anything (body or otherwise).
Good Ol' Mom Mantra...."Pick your battles!!"
I was in Luke's room (right next to Jake's) painting and trying to motor through. After a few minutes of hysterical laughter and lots of loud thumps I decided I'd better check things out. Here it is... I did get a good portion of Luke's room painted while they "entertained" themselves and managed not to break anything (body or otherwise).
Good Ol' Mom Mantra...."Pick your battles!!"
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Randoms of the Week
Last week he started climbing out of his crib and refusing to nap.
I've been enjoying Jake's THREE hour naps up until they came to a screeching halt past week.
What does this have to do with the above picture?
Well, at 3:30 (2 hours later than his usual nap) I decided I, and Jake, had had enough (of his crying and complaining) so "in" he went. However, my little darling was NOT about to give in and nap. Darnit, he positioned himself upright in his crib to defy all odds of napping!
I regret not having this on video but imagine Jake slumbering and sliding from one side to the next as he bumps his head or shoulder on the side of the crib, then wakes whimpering or crying for a few seconds, followed by him falling back asleep and repeating the process several times until he finally falls asleep on his belly for a mere 45 minutes.
Kid's got stamina, will power and tenacity! God love um!
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