Sunday, December 13, 2009

Self Portraits AND the holiday spirit!!!!

I bought Luke a kid's digital camera for his birthday because he always borrows mine (it starts so young doesn't it!!). Well, his is still "not mommy's" so I let him use mine on occasion.
These are the type of pics I was surprised to discover (just a few minutes ago actually) after Luke had my camera for oh, 10 minutes (or less!). And this is just a small sample....!

He did however get a couple cute ones. I'll let you choose which.
It is interesting to see what he takes pictures of; it's like a window into his little narcissist soul.

Ignoring the above photo...
If you can't brag about your own kids who can you brag here it goes.
Instead of sending a wish list to Santa, Luke drew a picture so Santa would have something to open Christmas Day too!

Yesterday Luke says, "Mom, you need to save more and you'll live better." I was skeptical of this "profound" statement coming from my 4-yr old's mouth but had lukewarm hopes he heard it at preschool, Sunday school, from a friend, etc.
Weeeelllll, while watching t.v. later I came to find out the source was actually a Walmart commercial!! Funny, but scary how quickly these little ones are sucked into mass marketing campaigns!

Good news is Luke said he wanted to save too. Okay?! I asked him what he would be saving for and he said (the obvious) to buy some toy. But this was followed by him saying, "And give some to my church."
And the angels sung (in my head)!!!

1 comment:

joyfulgirl said...

oh my gosh candice, he is too stinkin funny! love the walmart slogan, too. isn't it true how those ads are sucked up by their little brains...although that one wasn't so bad, ay?