My girlfriend gave me this idea to dress the boys as super heroes with aluminum foil.
They loved it!!

However, the little super heroes weren't too happy when their toes ripped through the "indestructible" boots after a few minutes.

I was told that the wristbands and medallions on the belts have SUPER powers!

The horns on the helmets crack me up! I really missed my calling in fashion design!!!

If you don't recognize him that's Jake wearing my over-sized sunglasses while watching t.v.
But when I called his name to get a picture he immediately whipped off the disguise!

Note the dinosaur and fly in the fish's mouths. This was followed by a giraffe, cow and various other animals that became fish food. Shortly thereafter Jake moved on to feeding the fish Cheerios. (That was fun trying to get those darn things out!!) But it was funny watching them go round and round while Jake sat there proudly admiring his work.
Heck, why play the game as intended when you can be so much more creative!

In the morning Jake is like a little track star...running back and forth from his room to the couch until he has all his animals (about 10) situated "just so". Some of the privileged occasionally sit at the breakfast table with him and others get tucked in to watch t.v. with cozy blankets.

In my spare time I redecorated the boys bedrooms. Jake was crawling out of his crib so I moved him into the toddler car bed that was getting too small for Luke. We are cribless finally! Yahoo!

Here's Luke's big boy bedroom! I have to say the pictures don't do it justice. I think the colors look pretty cool and is definitely a room he can grow with.

And the next day we had a wonderful birthday party for Luke who turned FOUR on Nov. 30th! Unbelievable! I absolutely adore him! He's sweet, loving, creative, sensitive, polite, inquisitive, feisty, respectful, funny, energetic, fun and one of my very favorite people in this world!!

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