Thursday, May 6, 2010

I've been a MIA blogger...

Luke wears this randomly...middle of the day, first thing in the morning...who needs a special occasion to wear a dress shirt, slacks & tie, NOT him! In addition to the placement of the clip-on tie the best part is that several times he's insisted on wearing the vest UNDER the shirt, then as he peels off the layers he eventually just tromps around in a shirtless vest...innnnteressssting! He's so cute though I don't have the heart to tell him it looks a little too Fabio-ish!

And that is how my little angel is ALL-DAY-LONG! (cough, NOT!) But he sure is cute when he's chillin'!

You watch...someday you may just read this headline...
World renowned scientist began experimenting in his garage with water, milk, Cheerios, pasta, cereal and a random selection of kitchen tools.

While Luke was dressed to the 9s for many months (yes, in dresses - how could you forget) Jake was determined (so I thought) not going to follow suit. But once we got to Jen's house with all the princess "fixin's" I guess he just couldn't help himself. By the look on his face think he's struggling with the concept anymore?

Manly look for a girlie pose...
To me his look says "I own this place!"!

1 comment:

Becky said...

loving, just loving that last picture!