Saturday, September 12, 2009

Just Having Fun

We ride bikes and scooters up and down our street so much that we have practically worn a groove into the sidewalk. For some reason when we get to our turnaround point Jake needs to minimally disrobe (off comes the helmet, socks & shoes) to climb onto this rock and give you that, "So, ya impressed?" look.

Our aspiring photographer gets his willing participants to
work for him.

And which of Luke's parents does he resemble in this photo? Caaaaareful!

Like herding cats...If only I could keep them in a pen for more of their waking hours!

The boys "rode" their dogs around the house with their oh-so-stylish headbands (so glad I bought those for me today!) before the big feed!

The Feed

Jake decided to feed his ham-n-egg dinner to his dog. As soon as Luke saw this going down he cried out, "Don't feed my dog eggs, he's ALLERGIC!!!"

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