Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some Moms Never Learn

If you haven't checked out the post before to this you should because it seems to be an ongoing theme in my house lately...ie. when the house is quiet trouble is brewing!

Here is the scenario that occurred Monday morning...
1) I am trying to get ready for the day
2) the house is quiet...TOO quiet
3) the boys run in very giddy and excited to show me their "castle"
4) this is what I walked into...my house taped in a complete attached circle from living room to family room!

I'm gonna promote Scotch tape and aluminum foil to the top of the list as my kids' favorite "toys"! What a deal, for about only $3 my kids are quiet AND creative!

This is kind of a random picture (below) but just thought I'd throw it in here. This is where Jake spent the majority of his time at the St. Patrick's Day parade last Sat. The parade was so long I almost joined him...instead we went INSIDE to eat and then hit the Farmer's Market.

1 comment:

Becky said...

that parade was long! We ended up cutting out early and eating BBQ at the Chicago Ribs place. Like the tape job.