We took the plunge over the 3-day weekend and hit Disneyland! Drove down Sat. night in the pouring rain but forecast promised clear skies the next day so we trudged through. Thankfully we did because Sunday was a gorgeous! Yes, the crowds were out in full force but we got up early, ate breakfast at the hotel and were at the park by 9:15am. We didn't have to wait in too long for any ride. Boys were great, no meltdowns believe it or not til the very end...and that was just due to a long day!

This is actually the last photo of the day and Jake wanted no part of anymore photos.

Sweet Lukey!

I think this was Jake's favorite ride, he was smiling ear to ear the entire time...(all of 2 minutes that we were on the ride that is!)

Gotcha, finally snapped a pic of the little bugger before he hid behind Mickey!

Luke was timid but so sweet; Jake couldn't have cared less to visit the princesses. We didn't even know any of their names...all we knew was they were pretty princesses!

Jakey kept him, Luke and a bunch of other kids busy running after bubbles out of his "spy bubble gun"!

On the day's menu...cotton candy, iced lemonade, pizza, pretzels, lollipops and chocolate milk...oh, yeah and a Diet Coke for mom!

Fun, fun, fun!