Hello Friends, It's been tooooo long. I'm sorry I have been so lazy about blogging! After a little coaxing from my dear friend Jen I'm BACK! Below are a few shots of the boys and fun times we've had the past few weeks.

Walk on the Ventura pier

We are getting our money's worth this year with Jake's costume-wearing habits. In the past month or so Jake has chosen to wear one costume or another to church, to sleep, to school, to the grocery store...you name it, he's in costume AND this kid has no shame in his game! Above is a witches costume from last year that he swears is a ninja costume.

This delightful little number makes Jake into Master Dan the Bakugan trainer. He went into Target as Batman and came out as Master Dan (well he changed in the back of my car...just like a real super hero)!!

Jake is fabulous at playing by himself! Here he not only enjoyed getting dirty but obviously stretching his muscles too...maybe I should sign him up for kid yoga!

Luke's sand angel masterpiece

My little loves!