Saturday, March 27, 2010

Our new tire swing - the boys love it...

Except the time that Luke got Jake spinning so fast he threw up right in the middle (isn't that what the hole is there for?). Funny thing is Jake barely skipped a beat and kept on playing. Gross!

This is becoming kids love to "take a bath" in tubs in the front yard!

Had to separate the little beast so they both had their own space.

Field Trip to SB Zoo

As much as I love the SB Zoo I'm tired of it - I've been there one too many times since giving birth 4+ years ago. I could tour it with my eyes closed. This Thursday Luke's class took their first field trip to - where else but the SB Zoo! It was still fun the 500th time though!

Surfin' the anthill

Must have been a big wave!

Trying to feed koi but crazy mallards kept snaggin' the food

Love at first sight!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

I've always been of the mind set that it's easier to explain things as straight-forward AND age appropriate as possible to my boys...this includes anatomy.
So yesterday we were playing "I took your nose, your eye ball, etc..." in the front yard. About 10 body parts into it when it seemed to me we were running out of parts Luke didn't even miss a beat and says loud enough for the neighbors to hear,
"I took your PAGINA!"

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some Moms Never Learn

If you haven't checked out the post before to this you should because it seems to be an ongoing theme in my house when the house is quiet trouble is brewing!

Here is the scenario that occurred Monday morning...
1) I am trying to get ready for the day
2) the house is quiet...TOO quiet
3) the boys run in very giddy and excited to show me their "castle"
4) this is what I walked house taped in a complete attached circle from living room to family room!

I'm gonna promote Scotch tape and aluminum foil to the top of the list as my kids' favorite "toys"! What a deal, for about only $3 my kids are quiet AND creative!

This is kind of a random picture (below) but just thought I'd throw it in here. This is where Jake spent the majority of his time at the St. Patrick's Day parade last Sat. The parade was so long I almost joined him...instead we went INSIDE to eat and then hit the Farmer's Market.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

There are a gazillions captions that would be appropriate for the below photo and since I cannot decide I will choose two (see below).

1. Never, Never, Never assume things are "just fine" when you have a quiet house & 2 toddlers.
2. Thank goodness for washable markers!

"Now Jake, listen to me..."

I mean if you were the little brother wouldn't you listen to a kid who looks like a combination of Boy Genius and Elton John sporting a red flame(r) sun suit/now superhero suit purchased from Longs last season for $5 and green glitter shades courtesy of the high end $1 bins at Target?!
The sly little smile came free!

My cutie patootie...after his cool hair cut last weekend!

I almost feel like I'm selling Luke out by posting the below video. Because 1) he doesn't know he was videoed praying and 2) he was PRAYING! This is definitely a keeper for me!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh How I Love Them!

This morning I woke up with my eyeballs practically bulging out of my head from an incredible sinus headache. I actually went back to bed for a bit to try to recover so I could function today.

The boys were great; they came in occasionally to have me open a bag, box or jar of food but amazingly there weren't any fights!!! At one point I heard Jake say he wanted to go outside so Luke came and asked me if that was okay. I told Luke he could open the sliding door for Jake which he did followed by this sweet motherly instruction..."Okay, stay where I can see you Jake."